In this article, we’re going to explain what safeguarding is, what you should expect from safeguarding questions and provide some examples of safeguarding interview questions with sample answers for each. We will end with some tips for preparing for and answering safeguarding interview questions. Those with this duty include:

Teaching assistants Teachers Headteachers Designated safeguarding leads Lunchtime staff

However, anyone working with children, either in a paid or voluntary position, also has this duty. Children may share their worries, problems or concerns with any of these people. So, if you’re in one of these roles, it’s important that you know how to identify a safeguarding issue and what to do with this information. Safeguarding issues can be difficult to identify. You’ll need to be aware of a child mentioning or showing any worrying signs related to any of the following:

Neglect Bullying Sexual exploitation Grooming Radicalization Allegations against staff Self-harm Female genital mutilation (FGM) Forced marriage

This list does not cover every safeguarding issue you’ll possibly come across. Your duty doesn’t just cover keeping the children safe while they’re in school; it extends to out of school, extra-curricular activities or at home. If you notice a difference in a child’s behavior or appearance, it could be a sign they may be in danger, and you have a duty to report it. Each school or facility will have its own process in place to deal with safeguarding issues, so make sure that you’re aware of this when you start a new role.

What to Expect With Safeguarding Questions

Interviews give employers an insight into an applicant’s motivations, values and attitude. Interview questions help employers decide if an applicant’s face-to-face answers align with their application documents and whether they are a good match for the role. Safeguarding questions in interviews are essential for employers to see the applicant’s reaction to dealing with these sensitive issues. They ask safeguarding questions to gain an understanding of how you will deal with a difficult situation relating to a child’s wellbeing and whether you have the right attitude to do so. Safeguarding questions will inevitably be included in your teaching interview, so it’s crucial that you are prepared for these. Showing confidence when answering safeguarding questions is very important, as you don’t want to show that you are uncomfortable in any way when having to deal with a difficult situation. Employers will probably ask you competency-based questions to gain an understanding of how you have dealt with a situation in the past, or how you will deal with it in the future. A good question will be open-ended to give you the opportunity to give as much detail as possible.

Top Safeguarding Interview Questions and Answers

Ensure you include in your answer that you are not only looking out for the children’s safety in school but that this duty extends to outside of school. It’s important to be honest here, as employers will have heard every generic answer. You want to get quite personal to show your passion and motivation, but not too much. Once I developed my own learning style, I realized that there were many ways to make learning fun and interesting for everyone. I wanted to become a teacher to show children that learning can be fun, and to include students with different learning styles into my lessons so that no one feels left out. You should try to demonstrate that you will remain professional and have control over your emotions while being empathetic. For me personally, it’s important to remain vigilant at all times, to be sensitive to changes in student behavior, and to always take any sign of a child being in danger seriously. I have always and will always do this. Employers aren’t expecting you to have dealt with anything too serious, especially if you’re not very experienced. But there will be a time where you have used your ability to spot a child in difficulty and stepped in to help. Also, keep in mind that employers aren’t looking for the exact details and are not expecting you to provide a child’s personal information, only to discuss what your actions were in the matter and to remain confidential. Following the school’s protocol, I brought this to the headteacher’s attention, who then spoke to the child’s parents. Luckily, the child returned to their normal self in a short time. Try to draw on a real experience to demonstrate that you would be confident in dealing with such a situation. Again, you should not give any personal information about the child in question. I brought it to the attention of the school safeguarding lead, as per the school’s system. They want to know that you would handle the complaint professionally and take it to the relevant authority. Again, you could draw on your experience here, but try to keep emotions out of your answer. The employer is looking for evidence that you are able to identify bullying and that you know how to deal with it. Different schools or facilities will have their own way of dealing with bullying so you should show that you are aware of this.

Read the School’s Safeguarding Policy

Each school will have its own safeguarding policy, and it is likely to be available online. If not, you could probably request it from the school’s office. It’s helpful to read this before attending your interview to give you the best chance of understanding how the school strives to deal with safeguarding issues.

Provide Example Situations

Come up with a few examples of situations where you have followed training and policies on safeguarding issues. It’s much easier to come up with these in advance rather than thinking of them on the spot. Examples are essential to demonstrate that you have the ability to follow the correct procedures.

Be Honest

If you are asked about a safeguarding situation you have not experienced, be honest and show an understanding of the correct procedure. Employers don’t expect you to have experienced every single safeguarding situation that could arise. In fact, they probably wouldn’t believe you if you had.

Be Mindful of Confidentiality

It’s important when giving your examples that you do not share too much information regarding the child. Employers will also want to know that you understand teacher-student confidentiality, so make sure that you only share what is necessary to answer the question.

Use the STAR Method

The STAR method helps you to structure your answers, especially when giving an example of a situation in the past. STAR stands for:

Situation Task Action Result

Using this technique will ensure that your answers are clear and concise, and that they answer the question at hand.

Final Thoughts

Safeguarding interview questions can be difficult to answer. As a teacher or teaching assistant, it’s likely that you will have to deal with a safeguarding issue at some point in your career. Prospective employers want to see that you understand all angles of safeguarding, either from previous experience, training or study. Read a copy of the establishment’s safeguarding policy beforehand, practice your interview answers to the questions provided above, and you’ll be ready for whatever safeguarding questions the interviewers give you.