Don’t worry if you find yourself staring at a Blank screen many times, thinking over “What to write next?” Absolutely, you are lacking writing inspiration here. That’s perfectly fine, most writers feel the same at some moment. But, just staring at the screen and worrying won’t help. Here we are suggesting some best ways over how to find inspiration to write, when you can’t gather creative ideas to put down on the paper. Do you want to write and publish a book that will have a profound impact on the masses, but you are unable to get it done and feel like the whole universe is pulling you down? Are you looking for an inspirational wave or a trigger of motivation to get you started? Then you are reading the right article. Writing anything from an eBook to a bestselling novel is a monumental task! Every artist, from a writer to a sculptor, however passionate, seeks inspiration to start and finish their work. Let us explore some creative and effective steps that you, as a writer, can take to stay inspired and get to publishing your book. If you are looking for some writing inspiration when you stuck at writing, then here sharing suggestions for you to get back on track.

Tips on How to Get Writing Inspiration, When You Lack the Motives.

1. Clear Your Mind

Easier said than done. With so many things going on in our lives and around us in the world, it is just not easy to clear our minds off of everything and be at peace for some time? Clearing your mind helps you get rid of mental stress and keeps you focused on your writing goal. And how will you free your mind to get inspired to writing? Here are the ways, read ahead.

Listening to Music

Listen to some good music and cherish the sound of those beautiful instruments and meaningful lyrics. It will help you elevate your energy and motivate you to get your tasks done. Music heals you from any negative impacts and actually supports you to do things that you love, such as writing. When feeling down and can’t gather the required ideas while writing, even a few minutes of listening to favorite music will get you back on track via giving creative inspiration for writing.


Go outdoors on a pleasant day in a place with greenery, sit down and meditate for some time. The sheer calmness and the sounds of nature will enchant your mind with peaceful, positive vibes. Meditation is very useful when you are stuck somewhere and do not know where to go from there. Under such circumstances, it is best to just let go of everything and let the ideas come to you naturally. Stay calm, let the idea unfold itself, in mind. That only happens, when you sit still and relax for a moment. Rushing over things and frustrating it, will drive you away from generating more ideas and so away from the writing inspirations. So stay calm for a bit.

Get Active 

Sometimes your brain slows down from exhaustion because you have just been locked up in a room and thinking too much. Let go of all the thoughts for a while and do some outdoor activity like going for a run, cycling or try any adventure sports that will refresh your whole body with dopamine and adrenaline. When you take a walk outside your room or home, you ultimately open a door for the creative inspiration for writing, painting, or any artistic work. The outdoor environments and surroundings ultimately supports you thinking differently and wing your imaginations. So simply, sweat out the negativity! Let the fresh air let in.

2. Just Start Something

Writers often get demotivated to write because of their quest for perfection. They overthink their content so much and so many times that they never even begin to write. The truth is that motivation constantly builds up once you actively start writing your book. This writing inspiration tip is particularly useful for the first time or beginner writers. The truth is that you are never going to get your whole writing game perfect in the first attempt, and you will probably even not be able to frame the entire content at one go. You can also look online to find a useful article on how to write a good book. So, if you have something in your mind to write about, then just start writing them down. You can worry about the structure, context, and anything else later. Because ideas do not come often and once you forget one, it is very difficult to remember it again if you do not have it noted down. If you are one of those people who desperately want to write a book but do not know what, where, when, and how then what you need is some experience in the field of writing. Introspect and come up with things you have a good amount of knowledge in and share it with the world in the form of social media posts or blog articles. By doing so, you will get insights and constructive criticism from people all across the world on the internet, which you can use to improve yourself and improve your writing skills to use for your first book. Remember, writing inspiration never comes to you anyway. You have to firstly stay committed and engaged enough with it. Stay focused on writing, keep your goals clear. When you have a desire to make something great with writing, then you don’t have to find inspiration to write, anymore. That inspiration will find you anyway.

3. See the World

The finesse of your writing is a reflection of the quality of life you have seen up until that point. If you have not seen much of the world and only prefer to stay put in your comfort zone, then your writing will not be relatable to people far and wide in the world. So, it is time for you to go out and explore the world. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars and go on a world tour to look for writing inspiration. Just going a bit further from your homely neighborhood or to another city or state for a few days can bring so many new experiences to you. This will greatly improve your life experience and, as a result, enrich your writing style. Traveling to different places will open your eyes to different cultures and lifestyles. You will also find out about the hardships of others and realize how resourceful you may be compared to so many others. Such wholesome experiences hit you with a wave of inspiration to do more in life. Feel your heart with those great memories and that will release your mind from thinking negatively. Collect as much as more memories with traveling and making new friends, stay with those who inspire you to do more of what you love. When everything around feels good, you end up receiving the motivation within.

4. Be with Like-Minded People

The biggest uninspiring factor when it comes to any work is the feeling of loneliness. When we think it is only us who are doing a task that has not yielded anything fruitful yet, we question ourselves and our work. This is very dangerous for your career. Of course, unlike many other professions, the chances are that your endeavor in writing your book is a solo pursuit. But it what you can certainly do it, mingle with other writers on the same path. Spend some time with online, offline like-minded people with writing passion, and discuss with them, learn from them how they get the inspiration to write. Find communities of writers around your neighborhood, in and around the city, or even on the internet. With so much progress in technology and science, the world has become a smaller place and finding friends of similar mentality as you are now much easier than ever. The collective energy from people of the same community will keep you going! Keep exploring the new ways to stay inspired for writing and search online for how to find inspiration to write, and follow the best option, you prefer.

5. Keep Reading

Being a writer is not just about writing or typing your own story, relentlessly. Books written by other writers and authors can also teach you a lot of things. A great and revered book will inspire you to write something new for the world and stay motivated when you aren’t getting early results from your writings. Read books from different authors and of various genres. Expand your horizons to newer possibilities and experiences. You might even unknowingly discover something profound that can take your own writing to a whole new level. When you lack the writing inspiration and feeling ownself off the track, then indeed you need some guidance to stay committed on your path. Make a habit of reading, the person who reads a lot, ultimately express better with own words. So in order to make big at writing, and to stay committed, you need inspiration for writing from other expert authors and their materials.

6. Do Some Online Research, Curate the Ideas for Writing

Reading is the first and the best way to find inspiration to write. Indeed, when you read the most other writers in your industry you will learn more. Read out the online blogs and books of the same concept over which you seek inspiration. Curate some content ideas, seek the information for your article and understand the concept well. Later, you describe the required information in your tone.

7. Have a Habit to Write on a Daily Basis

The common mistake that most newbie writers make is, they wait for writing inspiration to come. Inspiration won’t come anyway, it has to come within. If you want to stay inspired to write then you have to follow a daily route. Have some time dedicated to writing only. Whether you write for your blog, for clients, or even your first book, having defined time to write will keep you focused. A daily habit of writing will keep you on track and let the ideas generate within.

8. Plan Your Writing in Advance, Stay Ahead in Your Writing Game.

Instead of writing when your mood says, or due to that sudden call from writing inspiration, you have to follow a plan ahead to write on a particular subject. A Scheduled plan for next week/month will ultimately save a lot of your time and energy to find the subject and so, in the writing inspiration. Following that, you will get a good amount of time for actual writing, with complete focus. When you have a planned schedule then you end up writing better on the topic. That helps to write more instead of spending extra time on “how to get writing inspiration”, and on what subject to write next.

9. Don’t Force Yourself to Write, When You Don’t Want To.

If you want to stay inspired for writing, then never force yourself when you are not in the mood to write anything. Yes, it’s fine to take a break and relax when you aren’t feeling inspired to write. When you force yourself to do something, ultimately you’ll end up hating it even more. So take a timely pause, relax, recharge, experience some other creative activities and return with more collective ideas to put through writing. When you give some room for creative ideas to let in, you never have to worry about finding the writing inspiration and new thoughts to present on paper.

Final Notes

Writing is itself the work to inspire, motivate, and encourage others to do something in their own life. But what to do when you as a writer, ownself not feeling committed and inspired to write. There are some possible ways on how to get inspiration to write, and that’s what we will discuss in this article. Indeed, writing is a creative process and a person has to come up with a unique concept and idea all the time to craft that on the paper. These aforementioned steps would take you a long way in writing a good book. If you are ready to get started, then check out some of the best novel writing software that will help you organize your research, create an outline, develop characters, edit your manuscript, and help with publishing. Every writer has own approach to handle that stage of creativity shortage. Do you have some suggestions to add to the list? Let us know what you do to get inspiration to write,  in the comment section below.

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