Making your storefront sign, however, can be a difficult task. Not sure what you should do? Read on for 5 tips for a successful storefront sign. 

1. Make It Readable

If people can’t read your sign, then what’s the point of it? In most cases, it’s better to choose a simple font than an extravagant one. Sometimes, the legibility of fancier fonts can get lost in extravagance. While the font might be eye-catching, the potential customer won’t have a clue as to what it means and if it should involve them. Because of this, choose a simple but appealing font for your storefront sign design. 

2. Colors Matter

Colors have meanings that you might be unaware of. While blue might communicate peace and tranquility, red might communicate passion and energy.  Since colors can communicate, it is important to choose ones that align with your message. Choose a color that will attract customers by the aura it releases. 

3. Stand out

You want your business signage to be original and unique. If it looks the same as every other company out there, no one will stop and look. You want it to stand out amongst the other signs that potential clients will walk past. So, have your logo design portray originality and be eye-catching. If you make it stand out, a potential client will be all the more likely to look at it. 

4. Size and Quantity

Consider the size of your font and the sign itself. How many signs will you have up? You don’t want to overcrowd your storefront where there are too many signs to understand the message you are communicating. You also don’t want a sign that will be too small to read and understand.  Take a step back from your storefront to analyze how far away you want your sign to be seen and how much of your store it will cover. The size isn’t something to just guess on and hope it looks good. 

5. Less is More

Lastly, remember that less is more. Don’t overcrowd your design or make it extremely busy. The busier it is, the more overwhelming it will be for a potential client to take it in.  Make your design simple but unique so it will be easy and quick to process. If someone is walking by your storefront, they will only have a few quick seconds to take in your sign and process it. By having less on the sign, you will let them process much quicker.  If you had too much on the sign, they will walk by it without receiving the full message you wish to convey. 

How Can I Start My Storefront Sign?

Developing your sign can be intimidating and tricky. The good news is, you don’t need to do it alone. There are resources to help you along the way. By going to, you can find services that can help you design and conceptualize your storefront sign. 

What Now?

Don’t settle for a less than adequate sign. Take these tips and design a storefront sign that clients will remember.  Did you find this article helpful? If so, take a look at our Life page for more resources!

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